Salary Survey 1993 Questionnaire Well, we are going to try this again, or should I say, "I" am going to try this again. Last year I attempted to put together a survey which would illustrate a correlation between geography and salary. I created a database program called SALARY. This database could be used by professionals in the computer field which were thinking of moving to another part of the country/world and were concerned with the salary they could expect to make in this relocation. The program was simple to use and received many glowing reports. However, it lacked one very important feature --- DATA. Sure there were several records of job descriptions and salaries from different locales, but it was not nearly enough to warrant a good survey. I had limited the survey to Novell NetWare professionals, but this year I am taking these boundaries away in hopes of generating a good cross section of a variety of computer professionals. I will be asking everyone from Assembler programmers to ZIP creators to respond to this survey. With these boundaries broadened maybe I can get more than 100 responses. To be really effective, however, 500+ responses would be perfect. All that I ask is that you answer the questions that I have set up below. All of the information can be kept as confidential as you like. However, I have been contacted by several employment agencies and they have commended me on my efforts, but then they ask about specific records and want to know who the individual is so that they may offer them a new job. I had to tell them that all of the information concerning the names of the individuals were destroyed after the initial input (for purposes of confidentiality). I have decided to keep the full confidentiality rule, however, each record will contain a specific record number that I will be able to match with the original person. This number is the only thing that will appear on the record. If you instruct me to do so (according to the questions below) I will keep your name and address on file, otherwise I will destroy it after I have inputted your responses. If an agency asks about your record and would like to get in touch with you regarding possible employment, I will only release the information with your consent. NOTE: By filling in your name and address you are giving this consent, if it is left blank I will destroy any reference to your name and address. Another note: answer only the questions that pertain to your situation. To those of you that have previously sent in reponses to last years survey, I would ask that you please send in another. Once I have compiled enough data I will input it to a NEW Salary Survey Database called SAL93.EXE. This program will then be uploaded to your favourite BBS's such as CompuServe, Genie, etc. Where do you send you answers? Oh yes, I almost forgot. You can either upload them to me on CompuServe (ID 71740,2203) or send them by mail to me at the address which I will give you in a moment. Yes, this is a lot of work for me, but I really don't mind doing it. My wife has already donated her time in case I need her to input information so we are ready for whatever number of responses we get. I will be making the SAL93.EXE program ShareWare and ask that if you find the program useful to yourself or company, please send $10 to help me offset some of my expenses and time spent. Even if I get enough in total to take my wife to dinner to thank her for her time inputting data, I will be most grateful. If you do send the minimum $10 registration, I will send you a copy of the most up-to-date SAL93.EXE program (please specify format, IBM compat. only) . The primary purpose of this database/survey is to help computer professionals with career decisions and directions. How you make use of the information is your responsibility. To the best of our knowledge, the information contained in SAL93.EXE is accurate. The address you have been waiting for to send your responses and/or registration fee: Gerry Mros 166 Berkindale Drive, Hamilton, Ontario, CANADA L8E 1M5 NOTE: You do not have to pay a registration fee when sending in your responses, it is not a requirement to getting into the survey. If you want to wait for the program release and then review it, and decide you find it useful, then you may send in a registration. I ask that you send in the registration strictly as a courtesy, a way of saying "thank you". Please spread this survey around and get as many of your computer professional colleagues to respond as possible. We need data! Feel free to upload this text file to ANY BBS. Take care, Gerry Mros (CIS ID 71740,2203 -- NOVC Forum) ********** The Questions The first set of questions are optional (see NOTE in introduction message). 1. What is your name? 2. What is your current mailing address? (Please include country) 3. What is your phone number? (Include 3 digit exchange) **************************************** General Questions - please answer as many of these as possible as it is important to the final results and purpose of this survey. 4. What is the title of your Job Position? (If you are currently unemployed, please give answers that reflect your previous job.) 5. What is your annual salary? (Please give this answer in equivalent US dollars as well as your country's currency. Your currency will be reflected in the record comments within the database. If you are unsure, please answer with your own currency and we will try to figure it out.) 6. Where is your job location? (City/State; City/Province/Country; company name is not applicable and will not be used in this survey.) 7. How many years have you been employed with your current company? *********************************************************** Qualifications / Experience 8. What level of education have you completed? (Secondary, college, university, trade school, etc.) 9. What degree(s) or diploma(s) do you possess? (Please specify such as Phd in Computer Science or Engineering, etc.) 10. What levels of computer certification have you acquired outside of your formal education? (Certified NetWare Engineer, Banyan Authorized, etc.) 11. How many years of COMPUTER HARDWARE experience do you have? (This means "on the job experience" only. Hardware means Troublehooting, repair, assembly, etc) 12. How many years of COMPUTER PROGRAMMING experience do you have? 13. How many years of COMPUTER NETWORK experience do you have? 14. List up to 5 brands/types of computers you have experience with? (IBM, HP, MAC, Apollo, SUN Micro, etc.) 15. What mainframe computers have you worked with? (Please specify model numbers) 16. Which computer networks have you gained experience with? (Novell, IBM, DEC, etc.) 17. What programming language experience do you presently have? 18. Which Database programs have you gained experience from? 19. Which Telecommunication languages have you gained experience from? 20. Which Operating System Environments have you worked with? 21. What types of Systems Programming have you been involved with? (Capacity Planning, Communications, Connectivity, Performance monitoring, Systems Generation, etc.) 22. Have you worked on any major software packages? If so, which one(s)? ************************************************** 23. What type of Job Benefits do you receive? (Profit sharing, Medical/Dental, 401K, stocks, commissions, etc.) 24. Does your company pay for job-related courses you attend? A percentage? 25. How much vacation do you currently receive per year? 26. Do you receive any supplemental income from other sources related to the computer professions? Specify work and approximate yearly income) 27. Are you self employed full time? 28. How much travel do you do for the job over 50 miles (80 km)? (Try to express your answer as a percentage. Example: if you travel about 6 weeks/year, this would translate to 6 x 5 = 30 days divided by 260 working days/year equals 11.5%. Round this UP to the closest percentage, which would be 12%.) ***************************************** 29. To give an idea of the type of person you are, name up to five things you like to do that are not related to computers. (Playing/watching sports activities, hobbies, travelling, writing, etc.) 30. Finally, please supply any additional information you feel is relevant to your current position. Please keep your answer here brief as the database field is limited. ****************************************************************** GET THIS RESPONSE SENT ASAP! Thanks for taking the time to do this survey.